By Robin Taylor-Chiarello 

The Blue Lobster Visits the Eye Doctor


The Blue Lobster Goes to the Eye Doctor” by Robin Chiarello continues the adventures of the lovable blue lobster as he faces a new challenge: a visit to the eye doctor. Through colorful illustrations and engaging storytelling, children join the blue lobster on his journey to the eye doctor’s office, where he learns about the importance of eye health and overcoming fears. This book is not only entertaining but also educational, helping young readers understand the eye care process and the importance of taking care of their eyes.


Robin Taylor-Chiarello

Robin has been a primary school art and art history teacher and has enjoyed a 20-year career designing health care environments. She is an alumna of Finch College and Harvard Graduate School of Design and has held memberships in the International Interior Design Association and American Institute of Architects. She loves creating multicultural children’s environments and recently designed a collection of African-inspired boarders and murals for Hearts of the Fathers Children’s Orphanage in Ghana.

She is a past president of United Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey and was appointed to the Office of the Public Advocate for the Developmentally Disabled for handicapped housing by Former New Jersey Governor, Brendan Bryne. She resides in Center Lovell Maine, and Chatham New Jersey with her dog Harold Haratio Harkness.

Robin has been appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the Mount Washington Valley Children’s Museum. In the past few years she has won three Silver Mom’s Choice Awards and first place in the London, Paris and New York book festivals. She frequently presents at schools all over the country with her message of acceptance and inclusion.

Published Books

Notable Works

Silver Mom’s Choice Awards

Happy Readers

Other Books

The Blue Lobster 

While at her home in Center Lovell, Maine, author Robin Taylor-Chiarello listened to a radio announcement that a blue lobster had been caught off the coast. Robin has used the blue lobster as a vehicle to talk about differences and the desire for everyone seeking acceptance.

The Blue Lobster’s Holiday!

While at her home in Center Lovell, Maine, author Robin Taylor-Chiarello listened to a radio announcement that a blue lobster had been caught off the coast. Robin has used the blue lobster as a vehicle to talk about differences and the desire for everyone seeking acceptance.

It Only Takes One Friend

This is the endearing story of Little Chief, a young bison, who is chosen to replace a retiring elder at Beech Hill Farm and Bison Ranch. He is unsure about leaving his friends, moving to a new place, and coping with the journey. To his surprise, Little Chief is warmly greeted at his new location by a chicken named Abigail Frizzle. He is put to ease by her kindness and desire to make him feel welcome. Little Chief quickly learns that it only takes on friend to make you feel at home!


 Parents and educators will enjoy discussing this story by award-winning children’s author, Robin Taylor-Chiarello and illustrator, Lisa Bohart


I am a kindergarten teacher and my students absolutely loved reading The Blue Lobster! We also loved reading The Clam Digger’s Ball by Robin Taylor-Chiarello. Her books share a message of kindness and acceptance, which is great for any age child. We can’t wait for more Blue Lobster adventures!!


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