In the village of Dragonville, Ezra’s quest for revenge against the villagers leads him to steal a magical diamond from the dragons. However, when he sets the village on fire, he faces unexpected resistance from Sunflower, a seemingly powerless dragon who discovers her true strength. As the villagers and dragons unite against Ezra, a story of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of community unfolds in this captivating tale of courage and transformation.
Ayden –
I like Ezra’s character because she was different. She live in the woods. Ezra lived alone and her house burned down.
Cornish –
I liked Sunflower because she is funny, brave and clever. She led the dragons with wisdom and positivity. Her focus was on ensuring the safety of the villagers. She never lot sight of this even in the midst of obstacles.
Monae –
I liked Sunflower’s character because she is kind. She likes to help others who are in need. She was encouraging everyone to do their best. And she was probably the chosen one because she cares about others and she’ll help anyone in need
David –
Sunflower’s character stood out to me because she helps a lot of people. She saved Josh. She’s really brave. She and her friends are strong.
Alanah –
Sunflower is my favorite because she is kind and caring. She always thinks about people. Sunflower is like me in many different ways. She save her village from a fire.
Candies –
My favorite character is Sunflower. She is brave. She is kind. She is honest.
Amara –
My favorite is Ava because she is a helpful dragon. She always helps people when they need help. She even help Ezra because his house was on fire. That’s why I choose Ava because she is kind.
Mariyla –
I like Ezra because she is a good leader.
Samuel –
Ava is my favorite character because she’s nice, helpful, and loves helping and tell people to be nice, kind and make people happy.
Aaliyah Nestor –
My favorite character in the Dragon Story was Ava because she’s cool and I love her dragon powers. She does something with Sunflower and all of them get back together. They all save the village.
Madison Tarver –
This is my favorite book, and my favorite character was Notti.
Amaia –
Ezra set the dragon’s village on fire and he tried to get the diamond but he couldn’t because he was spied on by Sunflower and he got beaten up by Sunflower the he went back to the forest.
Ahmati –
Sunflower because she’s helping the village stay safe and so helpful to the villagers.
Thomas –
Ezra grew more and more as he was sitting by the river feeling sorry for himself. I doubt that they all treated him like dirt when I was just a kid. Instead, maybe if you showed that you have changed they would forgive you.
Cameron –
Ezra is my favorite because he is evil and also smart and I like that he has red eyes and blue hair so that is why I like Ezra.
Jaxon –
I like Josh because he stuck on the fire and he was a villager. He yelled with his voice with fear. He flew him safety. Josh hold up and get him out her bravery shining in the darkness.